Advanced Pet Care by Certified Veterinarians
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Certified Veterinarians
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About DR. Rea
Dr. Rea graduated from University of Florida in 2009 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science Biology and a Doctorate in veterinary medicine. Her main interests include dermatology, internal medicine, and critical care of domestic animals. She completed her clinical research in Methicillin Resistant Staph (MRSA) infections in dogs, cats, and horses.
Veterinarian Approved Health Benefits
Cats thrive in a clean habitat and the Els Pet Self-Cleaning Litter Box ensures just that. Discover the transformative health benefits as explained by Dr. Rea, and understand why veterinarians trust in our technology.
Meet the Future of Feline Hygiene
Join Dr. Rea and her charming patient, Frank, as they unveil the features of the Els Pet litter box that blend seamlessly into your lifestyle. Discover why this isn't just any litter box—it's a leap towards a cleaner, happier home for you and your cats.
Veterinarian Certified:
Els Pet Self-Cleaning Litter Box
Endorsed by Veterinarians for Your Cat’s Health and Happiness